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How to Be More Productive at Work and in Life

Julia Brown990 13-Jun-2019

We're continually wondering how to be more productive at job, at home, and in life in particular. While maximum productivity is hard to attain and even more hard to maintain in the long run, there are some methods you can change right now to become more productive.

1. Start your day with the hardest task. 

"Eat That Frog" is the title of Brian Tracy's self-help book, an extremely famous motivational Canadian-American public speaker. Tracy describes in the book the significance of first accomplishing the hardest job of the day to get it out of the manner before you cope with smaller assignments. Tracy knows that productivity is not about how many stuff you've checked off your list, but about the outcomes you've been able to accomplish over time. You should always expect life to get in the way, and when it inevitably does, you will be much better off with the hardest tasks already accomplished.

2. Always have a plan for a day/week/month. 

You don't need to plan everything every moment of your life, but you should know what you want to accomplish before the time comes to implement that thing. The more days you plan ahead, the easier it is to adjust your timetable and scope with the surprises that life likes to toss at us. There are many distinct instruments that can assist you in generating a plan, ranging from an easy paper planner to advanced software applications with a multitude of distinct characteristics, but you can only decide which one works best for you. If you are satisfied with a paper planner, continue to use it, but also keep an eye on the other alternatives.

3. Don't become a perfectionist. 

Perfectionism is a productivity foe. We all want to write flawless messages, release bug-free software, and develop products that need no enhancement. The reality is that we all make mistakes and work best when we accept this and refuse to let it bring our productivity to a hassle.

4. Try to automate as much work as possible. It is not easy and fast to make all tasks manually, e.g. if you spend a lot of time on communication by email, setting tasks to colleagues, etc. There are a lot of productivity and organizational services such as email management software or task/time management tools to help you be organized and maximum productive at work.

Updated 13-Jun-2019

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